Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    The initial consult session is dedicated to assessing your medical history & current state of wellness, including a physical exam. If it is felt that our services align with your health goals, we will identify a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and desires.

  • Targeted

    Once you have enrolled in one of our results-driven programs, there will be several opportunities throughout the year to have routine follow up (both in the office and over the phone) to review your labs, track progress, and make any as needed adjustments to your therapy.

  • Integrative

    Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is the foundation of our practice, but other pillars of functional medicine round out our unique programs, including Nutrition & Gut Health, Stress Management, and Lifestyle Coaching.

Tiered Programs

Our ‘Thrive’ program is a 4 month program for people who want to focus on hormone balance.  It is a comprehensive program that digs down to correct multiple different types of hormone imbalances, including sex hormones, adrenal hormones and thyroid hormones.


This is a 4 month program for people who are generally healthy and well, and have good lifestyle habits, but want to optimize their health and feel their best.  It is for people who want to take a pro-active and preventive approach to their health, know what supplements they should be taking, and have the full comprehensive approach.


The ‘Revive’ program is our most complete approach to addressing pre-existing health challenges and helping clients be successful at making lifestyle changes. In addition to hormonal wellness, the program includes comprehensive food allergy & sensitivity testing, GI mapping, and IV therapies to support your best metabolic performance. The program is 6 months to give you more time to reach your goals. 



All 3 of our flagship Bioidentical Hormone Therapy programs can be customized to include therapy with peptides. Peptides are small chains of amino acids that form the basis of proteins. Peptide therapies are becoming increasingly popular for Weight Loss (Tirzepatide, Semaglutide), Athletic Performance & Body Composition, Wound Healing & Injury Repair, Skin Health & Elasticity, Immunity Boosting, Decreasing Inflammation, Anti-Aging, & Neuromodulation/Neuroplasticity.

You will feel restored, revitalized, and empowered.


Comprehensive wellness assessment

Personalized hormone therapy & nutrition, with a mindful and integrative approach to achieving optimal health.

Regular in-office and telephone follow-ups

Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

self care


What are Bioidentical hormones?

Hormones are regulatory substances that act on specialized cells in target tissues to stimulate action or deliver instructions via hormone receptors. “Bioidentical” is the term used for hormones whose chemical structure is exactly the same as hormones naturally occurring in your body; thus they exhibit the same biological function, the same metabolic pathways, and are converted into the same downstream metabolites.

Are Bioidentical Hormones safe?

Yes, bioidentical hormones are safe! Studies show that BHRT significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, reduces the risk of mortality in women who develop breast cancer, reduces prostate cancer risk, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Clinical research does not demonstrate that BHRT contributes to an increased risk of cancer, TIA/stroke, or venous thromboembolism (DVT, PE).

Can i stay on Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy forever?

While your treatment plan may change over time, long-term health optimization & maintenance is often easier to achieve with BHRT on board! We are here to help you accomplish your unique health goals, and are happy to discuss options for tailoring our therapies to suit your individual needs.

Do you accept Medical insurance?

Many of the labs we test as well as a large portion of the therapies that we provide are not covered under insurance plans. For this reason, Remedy BHRT & IV Infusion Lounge provides concierge, or cash pay only services.